PVC Roofing Leads in Fire Resistance

PVC Roofing Leads in Fire Resistance

Testing proves it’s slow to ignite, quick to self-extinguish, and ideal for use with rooftop solar panels

Fire resistance testing shows that vinyl (PVC) roofing membranes are more resistant to combustion than other single-ply roofing membranes. They are difficult to ignite, burn very slowly, and tend to self-extinguish when the flame source is removed. This contributes to the long-term durability of PVC as a building material. It also makes PVC membrane ideal for use in conjunction with rooftop-mounted solar panels. 

While properly installed solar-power systems by qualified professionals must follow current safety codes, fires can happen as with any electrical system. Design flaws, component defects, and faulty installation can cause arcs between conductors or to the ground, as well as hot spots, which can ignite nearby flammable material. 

Testing by Southwest Research Institute’s Fire Technology Department demonstrated just how effective PVC roofing membrane is at resisting flame. The test compared the behavior of three common commercial single-ply roofing materials – PVC, TPO, and EPDM – by attempting to ignite them with a Bunsen burner flame.

The PVC roofing sample self-extinguished less than one second after the flame source was removed. The TPO and EPDM samples continued to burn for between three and six minutes before becoming completely consumed. Read more about the fire resistance testing and results here: https://vinylroofs.org/durability/pvc-fire-performance/.

Choosing a solar panel and PVC roofing membrane that passes strict fire ratings (typically UL Class A) can help reduce the risk of fire and improve the overall safety of the building. From a durability perspective, both a PVC membrane and a solar panel that meets Class A fire ratings could also perform well under a range of environmental conditions, which helps them maintain their fire-resistant properties over time without degradation. 

For more information on PVC roofing, visit https://vinylroofs.org/.