
Post-consumer recycling of PVC roofing membranes.

Post-consumer recycling is an investment in the future.

PVC roofing is easy to recycle. Mechanically fastened PVC single-ply roofs can simply be removed from the roof system in a process called skinning and transported to various recyclers to be recycled or repurposed. This eliminates the need for the landfilling of the membrane and reduces the cost of roof disposal.

While skinning a PVC roof adds some cost to the overall reroofing project, some of that cost can be offset with elimination of landfill fees and increased building value helping to achieve or maintain green building certifications. PVC roof recycling can also help companies achieve sustainability goals related to carbon reductions while adding to their environmental story and sustainability message.

  • Triple bottom line and ESG benefits could include greater value for a building when green building certifications are awarded.
  • Customers and stakeholders are looking to the vinyl value chain for recycling leadership, initiatives, and achievements.
  • It is the right thing to do and relatively inexpensive.

Post-Consumer Recycling Facts and Figures

1,240,000 pounds: Total amount of post-consumer materials the PVC roofing industry recycled in 2023 alone.
Over the past decade, the PVC roofing industry has recycled 10.3M pounds of post-consumer vinyl materials.

Closed-loop and open-loop cycles.

Closed-Loop Cycle

In a closed-loop cycle, PVC roofing is recycled and used to make new PVC roofing membranes, roof walkways and accessories. Because of its polymer structure, PVC can be recycled and reused over and over again.

Open-Loop Cycle

In an open-loop cycle, PVC roofing is recycled and used to make products other than roofing. These products often include flooring, landscape expansion joints, and other products.

Typical Steps for Recycling PVC: Post-Consumer

Slice the existing PVC Membrane into manageable size (approximately 3’ x 100’).

Roll up membrane.

If needed, tack weld to hold in place.

Put rolls on a 4-wheel dolly or other method to transport material to edge of roof.

Alternatively place rolls of existing membrane onto pallets and securely strap using metal bands, or place rolls of existing membrane into industrial bags.

Fill constructed gaylord boxes full of old PVC Roof membrane at rooftop or maximize what can safely be put on pallets or into industrial bags.

Lower gaylord constructed boxes to ground or other packaging/bundles.

Ready for pick up to recycler!
Arrange with recycler to pick up prepared packages/bundles of PVC roof membrane and load onto flat bed.

Project Profiles and Testimonials

IIBEC Interface Magazine Feature Article
Increasing Sustainability in the Low-Slope Roof Market through PVC (Vinyl)
Membrane Recycling.

“Recycling Roofs” Podcast

Roof Recycling LIVE on the Air
Hear the story of PVC roof recycling on the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) podcast “Stories of an Extraordinary Industry”!

Two industry experts are guests on the episode, titled “Recycling Roofs”:

  • Brian Whelan, owner of Roof Resources and past executive of Sika Sarnafil
  • Richard Krock, owner of VyChlor Advisors, LLC, and former senior vice president of the Vinyl Institute

Brian and Richard are key consultants who helped shape CFFA’s Pathway to Zero program, which strives to completely eliminate pre-consumer waste from PVC roofing membrane production. Both have more than three decades’ experience in the PVC roofing industry and are thought leaders on roofing recyclability and green building.